Sunday, February 6, 2011

Multiple Blessing!

This morning I got up early to go for a walk. The sun wasn't up yet and it was still dark out. I love the early morning dawn. It's my favorite part of the day! So I started walking. I was about half a mile from home when I turned the corner, in shock, to see the most awesome sunrise you could imagine! It was brilliant! It was like the sky was on fire! I just stood there and gazed at it for a moment in amazement! Then I made a startling discovery . . I didn't have my camera with me!! Aaaaaugh!!

If you know me, I ALWAYS have my camera with me but this morning I didn't! This was the most awesome sight and I wanted everyone else to see it too! I decided to try to go home and get my camera before the moment went away but you know how fast that moment of sunrise goes! So I ran! Now, mind you, I haven't run for awhile. I've been wanting to get back into it but haven't felt compelled to do it and haven't had enough energy to do it lately. So, I proceeded to run home. I ran the whole half mile, got my camera and ran as fast as I could back to that spot! The sunrise was still there!! Panting heavily from the run I snapped the picture! I got it! It was amazing! I couldn't believe I ran that whole way and made it back and it was still there! I took several pictures, of course, and just stood there reveling in the beauty. A few minutes later, the picture and moment was gone and the sun shone bright in the sky!

I finished my walk and thanked the Lord for that awesome moment. I realized later that I got so many blessings from that morning walk! One blessing, of course, was the magnificent sunrise that I got to witness! Another blessing was God keeping it there long enough for me to run home and get my camera and run back and get a picture of it!! Another blessing is being able to share it with you! Another blessing was, that the whole process of me having to run home and get my camera and run back got me feeling like I want to run again like I've been wanting to do! Another blessing was that it's been a long, long, time since I've been here on my blessing blog. I've been wanting to get back on it for a long time but I've had somewhat of a "writer's block"! This mornings blessings got my literary juices flowing again and got me writing, which I love to do!

This morning was a multiple blessing! There were probably countless more blessings that I don't even realize yet! If you stop for a minute you'll realize . . Life is full of God's blessings! Thank you God for my blessings today!

"From His abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another!" John 1:16

Blessings from Patrice!