Friday, March 25, 2011

Blessing while running :)

So yesterday I was outside running for exercise. I'm up to 3 miles! That's a blessing in itself! but not the blessing I'm here to tell you about. This blessing came while I was running. Whenever I'm out taking a walk, or running I usually talk to God! It's a great time to commune with Him . . . just me and God!

Well, this day I was talking to God as I was running and I had a request for Him. This friend of mine had been sick for awhile and ended up in the hospital with pneumonia! I know how awful the effects of that can be as my daughter's grandma just recently passed away from complications due to pneumonia. My friend had been in there for a few days and I had been praying for him. So while I was running I said to God, "My friend needs some healing. I know that in my personal trials that I've gone through, I've always ended up getting a HUGE blessing from whatever has afflicted me. So please Jesus, let my friend experience the same kind of HUGE blessing from this trial, after You have healed him, as I know You will. I'm claiming Your promise in the bible that says "The prayer offered up in faith will make the sick person well!" But also Jesus, I KNOW how much he doesn't want to be in there. Please, make him well so he can leave that place! And Jesus, send comfort to him and his family and . . . "

As I was still praying, my phone beeped and I had received a text. I decided to put God on hold for a minute (ha ha!) and see who it was from. It was from my friend in the hospital and it read "They're kickin' me outa here in a few minutes and that feels real good!" I was so excited for him! As I stopped running for a minute to revel in the fact that my friend was better and leaving the hospital, I realized that "Hey, I wasn't even done with my prayer and Jesus answered it!!" WOW! He always answers my prayers but THAT was really cool!! Tears, of course, started flowing from my eyes! Tears of praise and utter amazement at how awesome my Heavenly Father is!

I then resumed my prayer and said "Jesus, that was really cool. I was just getting ready to thank You in advance for answering my prayer but now I can thank You for already answering it!! You are an awesome God!"

God really does answer prayers. All you have to do is ask and believe! Today's blessing wasn't only that He answered my prayer but He answered before I even had a chance to finish the prayer! Once you get to know Him you find out how awesome He really is!

"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up!" James 5:15

Blessings from Patrice!