Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Courthouse Blessing :)

The other day I went to the courthouse to pay my property taxes (that wasn’t fun!) I pulled one of the little tickets out of the ticket “thingy.” The number on my ticket was 345. I looked up at the number they were currently serving and it was number 330. I had a ways to go! I sat down on this bench near a man that looked like he’d been waiting for a while. Another man came up and took the ticket after me, number 346. He looked up at the number they were on and got agitated and mumbled something about being late for something important. He paced up and down the aisle for a few minutes and then sat down on the bench between me and the other man. He definitely had a stressed look on his face. After another few minutes had gone by they called number 331. We all looked at our numbers. Why is it that we do that, knowing we don’t have the number but looking at it as if maybe it had magically changed? LOL! The man that had been sitting there for a while, looking at his number, turned to the stressed out man in between us and said, “I have 331 but you take it.” The other man looked up at him somewhat shocked but hopeful, and said, “Really?” The man who had been sitting there for a while just said, “Yes, you take it.” They switched numbers and the other man thanked him and then ran to his window to take care of his business. He finished his business pretty quickly and then as he was leaving he thanked the other man once again, but now he had a smile on his face!

I was so touched by that whole scene I had just witnessed! It’s nice to know that in this fast paced world of ours, there are unselfish, kind and loving people looking out for one another, just like Jesus! We should ALL be like Jesus! He’s the ticket! I was inspired to be like Him, and that man and his act of kindness and my trip to the courthouse was my blessing!

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus! " Philippians 2:3-5

Blessings from Patrice!