Thursday, December 10, 2009

Patience Blessing

Well, after transporting 70 kids to school in the morning, some days I'm a little more "frazzled" than others. Some determining factors being: icy roads, kids who have eaten alot of sugar for breakfast, bus not being mechanically sound, etc.

Today my "frazzled" level was more on the high end. After the morning run is over, I have a short period where I calm myself down and try to leave the events of the bus ride behind. This morning during this calming down time, I got a "text" from my daughter. It said, "Mom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry a thousand times but I forgot my Social Studies project at home! Can you get it and bring it to school by 9:00am?!"

I got a little perturbed by it because the previous day she had done the same thing! And just this morning as I walked out the door I said, "Don't forget your Social Studies project" and she said, "Ok". I get even more perturbed when I say something to her and then I feel like it goes in one ear and out the other . . . Like why am I even talking?

Being in that "after the bus ride" zone still, I started to get agitated. I felt my body temperature rising and then steam start coming out of my ears! (ha ha!) I, of course, was going to grant her request. There's no disputing that, because that's just the kind of mother I am, but what frame of mind I'm in when I'm doing it is the difference!

I proceeded to drive home (a whole 2.5 miles) like I was being reeeeaaaalllly inconvenienced! The whole time I was driving home I was trying to think of the appropriate "text" to respond back to her. I was thinking of things like, "You are so in trouble!" or "Why did you forget that!!!!!!" or "I'm really busy and this is not cool!" or something to that effect.

I got home, got the Social Studies project and got back in the car. I sat there for a minute and said, "Jesus, could you give me that gift of patience that you're always telling me about . . I could use it right about now . . I ask in your Name, Amen."

A calm came over me immediately. I "texted" back, "I'll be there in 5 minutes." When I got to the school she was standing there with a scared and apologetic look on her face, probably contemplating my reaction. Just seeing her precious little face like that made me want to just hug her.

I walked up and gave her a big hug and a kiss and said, "I'm not mad at you! Did you think I was going to be mad?" and she said, "I wasn't sure." I said, "I will do anything for you anytime, you know that don't you? But maybe from now on you can start putting everything you need for school by the front door so you don't forget it, eh? And she said, "Ok!". Then as I turned to leave I said, "But don't forget . . 3 strikes and you're out!" with a chuckle and she laughed and we had a totally cool special bonding moment!

I'm not always the most patient person, but what a blessing it was today to overcome that impatience thanks to God's wonderful gift! Thanks!

"A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel." Proverbs 15:18

Blessings from Patrice!

1 comment:

  1. very cool blessing!!!!! thankyou for sharing.we all have been missing your must have in incredible family.
