Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Blessing

Oh man, last night all of a sudden out of nowhere I started feeling REALLY achy and sick. In about 10 minutes from feeling wonderful and healthy, I felt like I got hit by a big truck! Seriously! Something just attacked me! (Swine flu came to mind!) I didn't feel like doing anything and it hurt to move, soooo, I "O.D'd" on vitamin C and went to bed. I had the chills all night. It was interesting trying to sleep all night with the chills AND hot flashes at the same time! Ha! Covers on, covers off, covers on, covers off, covers on covers off!!

The next morning when I got up I felt the same . . absolutely horrible. I didn't feel like moving a muscle still. I mustered up enough energy and went to the "healing cupboard" (is what I call it!). I inundated my body with every natural thing I could find to fight off this nasty enemy that had invaded me . . . Echinacea, vitamin C, golden seal, folic acid, elderberry, zinc, etc., everything I had in my cupboard!! I ate a banana, an orange, and drank some green tea with honey and lemon. I soaked in a warm tub with lavendar and chamomile essential oils. I went out in the sun (Yep! We actually had some sun!). And I prayed . . .

The neatest thing happened . . . after I laid down for awhile I started feeling better! It was amazing! About an hour or two later from feeling like I was on deaths doorstep (not that bad, but almost!), I was feeling almost 100% better! I was able to enjoy the rest of my Thanksgiving day feeling healthy and well and THANKFUL!

I'm not certain which thing I did made me well or a combination of all of it or what, BUT, I think God is trying to tell me something again! There is a huge message to be told and that is the "Health Message" about God's natural healing wonders! I'm a big advocate now for all that is pure and natural and organic and healthy! Thanks Jesus for all your healing benefits!

Today was a wonderful Thanksgiving day! I have so much to be thankful for and what a perfect Thanksgiving blessing it was.

"Praise the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, praise His holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul; and forget not all His benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases." Psalms 103:1-3

Blessings from Patrice!

1 comment:

  1. I admire your positive outlook and saving faith!
    I'm also thankful you are feeling better.
    When are you going to share more good news?
