Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sunrise Blessing

I happen to live in a beautiful place which is a blessing in itself. Where I live they call it "Big Sky Country". It really lives up to it's name.

This morning when I got to work to drive the bus, I got out of the car and turned around and this is what I saw! Beautiful pinks and blues surrounding a perfect moon. It was like somebody had painted the sky! I had to just stand there and gaze at it for awhile when I realized that I had a camera on my phone so I snapped a picture of it. The picture doesn't do it justice but you can get the idea! It was BEAUTIFUL!

I was able to enjoy the moment before starting my busy day. Thanks Jesus for painting a beautiful sky for me this morning!

"The heavens declare the glory of the Lord; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalms 19:1

Blessings from Patrice!


  1. What a great way to start a day! The pic gives a little of the flavor and it's special to think that the Lord painted it for all of us through you! Stay with it!

  2. every day is a beautifull day!!!!! beautifull sunrise !!!!!!
