Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cool Blessing

It has been bitterly cold lately! We've been experiencing some "arctic" weather here in Montana! It's been below zero alot of the time. In fact it's been like that over alot of the country! I've been hearing alot of people complaining lately (along with myself!!) I just spent 2 weeks in sunny, 70 degree weather in San Diego and then I came home to 10 degree weather! I found myself saying several times, "Why do I live here!"

The other day it was so cold. I went out to my truck to get it warmed up. I put the key in the door lock and it wouldn't turn. The lock was frozen! I went over to the other side and that lock was frozen also! I went to the back window and tried to open it but that was frozen shut! I went back over to the passenger door and tried the key again. I got it to wiggle a little but was trying to be careful not to break the key off in the lock!! I didn't feel like going in and getting a blow dryer so I was blowing my hot breath on it! (ha ha!!) After almost hyperventilating, I got it to loosen up! Finally the key turned and the lock opened! Ahhhh! Victory!

I then pulled the door handle to open the door and realized that the door was also frozen shut!! Aaaaaugh! I found something to try to pry the door open with. Trying really hard not to put a scratch or dent in it, I got the door open! Yay! I got inside and climbed over to the drivers side to unlock that door. The inside lock was frozen! Unable to get a good grip on the lock with my gloves on, I decided to remove them . . . bad idea. After trying to get the lock up after several minutes my fingers started to feel like they had frostbite! But it actually worked! I got the lock open. Then I went to pull the handle up to open the door and that door was frozen shut!! Is this getting comical yet?!

Instead of getting out and trying to pry that door open I just decided to kick it open from the inside with my feet! It opened!! I finally got the car started to warm it up! Being worn out from just trying to get in the car (ha ha), I decided I would let the defroster try to melt some of the ice on the windows instead of trying to scrape it off!!

Just another typical winter day in Montana! . . . How is this a blessing you ask?

Well, here is how it's a blessing . . . I've finally entered that wonderful stage of life . . . The "hot flash" stage! All I have to say about that is, "WOW!!!!!" I guess every woman is different but for me, it feels like my head is on fire!! Literally! My head and my face get so hot. It feels like I'm burning up! I'm not sure what God was thinking with this one but I'm sure there's a point to it . . . anyway it's going on my list of questions to ask Him when I see Him! (tee hee)

ANYWAY, as my head starts to heat up like a furnace all I have to do is walk outside! The bitterly cold weather cools me off and comforts me!!!!! It takes a good 5 or 10 minutes out in 10 degree weather to help the hot flash subside . . but it works!! I have my own personal hot flash helper and it's free!!

I don't think ANY time is a good time for "hot flashes" but if I'm going to have them, then "winter in Montana" is a good place to get them! (ha ha!) I'm thankful for the arctic chill and the bitterly cold weather and it's my HUGE blessing as I try to ease my way into "old age"!

You can find a blessing in ANYTHING if you look hard enough! God is good!

"When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you!" Isaiah 43:2 . . . (tee hee . . I couldn't resist that verse!)

" . . . For the Lord has comforted His people and will have compassion on His afflicted." Isaiah 49:13

Blessings from Patrice!

1 comment:

  1. A great story and and unsual blessing! Maybe it could go the other way too--your blessed hotflashes help you handle the arctic chill!
    Thank-you for sharing your chilly journey blessings!
