Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Comfort Blessing

What's that old expression . . . "Running around like a chicken with your head cut off!" . . . That's how my day was today. I don't usually let myself get like that but today I did. It was a long, busy day at work and then I had this long list of things to do afterwards . . doctor appointment, pay some bills, go by the bookstore, go to the Good Food store, get gas, etc., etc.. Then I had to come home and try to get my taxes done, get some reading done, order some stuff online, download some pictures, plus try to get a workout in and make dinner! . . . I guess today I thought I was going to be super-woman or something!

Well of course I had to wait FOREVER at the doctor, which made me late to pay my bill at City Hall before it closed. Then I made it to the bookstore 5 minutes late and they were closed!! They didn't have what I needed at the Good Food store! (and I REALLY needed it) I didn't have enough money to fill the gas tank which I like to do since the gas gauge doesn't work! Then I know how many miles I have left before I'm going to run out! . . . Nothing was going my way! I think at that point I was even kind of whimpering and I said to myself, "I could use a BIG HUG about right now!!

I got home and tried to make dinner but didn't have everything I needed. I blew off the workout because I thought the other things were more important. I tried to sit down and get those tasks accomplished and I just couldn't focus. So I decided to lay down on the couch for a minute and rest my weary mind and body.

As I laid there feeling sorry for myself my daughter came up to me and said "Scoot over!" She laid down next to me and just cuddled. I couldn't believe it! First of all, she doesn't do that very often and secondly, she's taller than me now so there's not a whole lot of that cuddling going on like when she was little. It felt soooooo good! It was even better than that BIG HUG that I needed. Needless to say, everything else left on the list didn't get done because I didn't leave that spot for the rest of the evening!

What a comfort that was! It was exactly what I needed. I don't know how she knew that, or if God whispered in her ear that I needed her, but as I laid there I thanked Him for that time with her! It was a double dose of comfort! Getting my "BIG HUG" and getting to cuddle with my little girl who's not so little anymore! God knows what we need and He always takes care of us!

Tomorrow's another day and that little bit of comfort will give me the extra strength to finish all my tasks! It also reminded me to take time out every day to relax!

"God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in our troubles so we can comfort others." 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Blessings from Patrice!

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you for sharing your rough day and those beautiful moments with the world--it's so cool that God even listens to your muttering!
