Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday's Blessing

I drive a school bus. At one point during the day I pick up little special needs preschool children from school and take them home. I also pick up their "aid" which is the person who rides along with them.

There is a boy that rides who is quite a handful. He needs to be watched carefully every minute on the walk to the bus as he will veer off in some other direction perplexed by something he sees on the ground or on the bus. He doesn't like to sit still. He used to unbuckle his seat belt frequently and try to get up. He got up one day and was halfway out the window as we were unloading other children! We had to get a seatbelt lock for him so he would stay put! Most days he is very vocal!

Today was like most days. He was quite vocal. But something different happened as he got off of the bus. Normally he tries to run off to look at something as the aid exits the bus to walk him to his house. But today as he walked down the steps of the bus he stopped at the bottom. He patiently waited for the aid to get off the bus. When she got to the bottom of the steps he looked up at her with his precious little innocent eyes and held out his hand. The aid gently took his hand and they walked quietly and peacefully to his door. An overwhelming feeling of comfort came over me as I felt the comfort and safety that the little boy must have felt for that whole minute as he held the hand of the aid up to his door.

It was a beautiful picture and made today's routine bus ride a HUGE blessing! It reminded me that if WE hold out OUR hands, God will take them and walk with us and comfort us any time we need Him! And what a beautiful picture that will be when we get to heaven and we can walk hand in hand with God.

"The Lord tends His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young." Isaiah 40:11

Blessings from Patrice!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!
    This one blind sided me...Thank-you for gently implying that I can be like that little boy--both ways! Great application!
